
Complex taxi service management system.

We build this project together with client from Moscow. Movamba not only allows to order simple taxi for people, but also to find a taxi for cargo. With the help of this project, our client also wanted to reduce daily paperwork he was doing.
User can track movement of the driver from the moment his order is accepted. On the interactive map it is possible to see where the driver is, his name and car number, also to observe how he fulfills the order and moves around the city.

Movamba is a complex system and consists of few important parts:

1. Management system for business owner (also possibility for him to connect partners)
2. Web panel for partners
3. Website for clients
4. CMS for business owner
5. Custom server load balance system
6. Android and iOS mobile apps to order taxi
7. Application for taxi drivers (taximeter with auto switching tariffs inside the app)