Mobilios technologijos - viso to, ką mes darome, pagrindas
Mes visada žiūrime į priekį ir siekiame būti pirmi naujausiuose dizaino ir technologijų trenduose.
Web sprendimai, turi būti paremti ne tik programavimu, bet ir verslo žiniomis.
Patirtis skirtinguose projektuose – nuo didelių elektroninių parduotuvių kūrimo iki virtualios medicininės pagalbos aplikacijų, kurių architektūra ypač sudėtinga.
Šiais laikais yra šimtai skirtingų IT technologijų. Leiskite Jums padėti išsirinkti tinkamą.
Turite mobilios aplikacijos idėją?
Iššūkis priimtas. Susisiekite su mumis!
Mus jungia meilė kūrybai
Jūsų verslas gerose rankose
CEO at Top shopping App in Asia
Good working with Pavel and his team. Great project management and perfect support. Communication was excellent.
Stanislav Sazhin
Sonder Digital team developed the GetBetter project since 2016. At the current time, Sonder Digital continue supporting the project. Strong and flexible partner.
Sonder Digital has a great team of professionals. I just explained my idea and they developed my app from scratch (incl. development of an architecture and a design).
I also received some very good and interesting advices from them. Their proposed solutions corresponded very well to my requirements regarding the goals of my app and, needless to say, were very useful to me.
To sum it up they have excellent communication skills, great expertise in their field and deliver the job with an incredible quality.
I would strongly recommend them to anyone!.
Jaunius Danielius
The “Sonder Digital" team has been working on testing our web pages and mobile applications.
It was very important for us that the web pages and mobile applications works smoothly as possible, as even the smallest disruption may cause us great losses. We were satisfied with the cooperation with “Sonder Digital”. Critical moments were found and the information was provided to us clearly and comprehensively. I would also like to highlight the team’s professionalism by working remotely and thank them for proactivity with suggestions on our web pages and mobile applications improvements in the future.
Ilya Gelfenbeyn
We at Speaktoit have been with Sonder Digital since 2011. Initially Sonder Digital developed two communication apps and a client for our Assistant product.. We recommend Sonder Digital as a reliable partner for developing mobile applications.
Kristopher Martin Heslop
We have worked with Sonder Digital on a number of projects and we found them to be reliable and knowledgeable partners with a great eye for detail.
Maciej Gawlik
I worked with Sonder Digital team on the startup in sports industry. We succeded to build excellent communication with the whole team.
We succeded to build excellent communication with the whole team. It was very important for me in my project. Also, I want to note high profesionalism of the team in knowledge of development technologies and great accounting from menagement in general. Excellent impression of working together!
Kas naujo?
Mobilių aplikacijų idėjos verslui
09 balandžio, 2021
2020-ieji buvo labai sunkūs metai mažam ir vidutiniam verslui. Atėjusi pandemija visiškai …
Kaip pasiruošti IT projektui? | Svarbūs momentai, kuriuos turite aptarti
22 kovo, 2021
Vienas protingas žmogus yra pasakęs: „protingas žmogus pirma galvoja, o po to daro“. Tai yra …
Kas yra Mobilioji Aplikacija? | Pagrindai
06 kovo, 2021
Kas yra mobilioji aplikacija? Iš pirmo žvilgsnio klausimas gana paprastas ir dauguma turbūt …
Lead generacija IT sektoriuje – praktinio eksperimento rezultatai
01 kovo, 2021
2020 m. verslo požiūriu buvo tikrai neįprasti. Sunkus karantino laikotarpis pakeitė …
Pagalba cukriniu diabetu ir kitomis lėtinėmis ligomis sergantiems žmonėms
14 spalio, 2019
Mūsų komanda sėkmingai sukūrė projektą „GetBetter“ – kovokime su diabetu …
Švietimas ir technologijos
14 spalio, 2019
2018 m. Kovo 27 d. vienas didžiausias mobiliųjų prietaisų gamintojas ir nuostabios programinės …