Recently, I accidentally stumbled upon an article about sad statistics of number of people with diabetes and how much it cost for world economy (here is a link –…)
This article has made me think about how much resources are allocated to fight this disease and how many people are sick. Also, this article inspired me to share my and my team experience with healthcare products and diabetes, in particular.
As I never shined as a writer, I will try to briefly introduce you to the project and our involvement.
Our team successfully developed project – GetBetter – Fight diabetes together.
The main ideas of this project are – to allow people with diabetes and other chronic disease to find, connect and support each other. Also, to help each other by sharing with one another theirs disease control experience.

A lot of useful features been implemented into iOS and Android app’s that helps to achieve these ideas. Some of the main are: geolocation and map (to find nearby users), possibility to share information by posts, leave useful comments, communicate via private and group chats etc.
Together with GetBetter team we have developed this project from MVP. Our team was responsible for the technical side of the project (development of apps) and GetBetter side for the general social ideas. Working together we managed to combine these two sides into one seamless user experience. I’m glad that this project was noticed and development of the project continues till nowadays.
It was a pleasant and enriching experience for me personally to be involved in such a beneficial for society project. Also, I feel absolute happiness from the realization of such a project and that our team contributed in creating additional value for diabetes community. I really believe, that such helpful projects will give additional chances in fighting with diabetes and that we could make our world a little bit better place through technology!
Sincerely Yours,
Project manager Max
Sonder Digital
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